A unique 3-layer protection system to block websites and adult content
You are under attack!
It is dinner-time! You are sitting at the dinner table, looking at the faces of your family and your heart fills with gratitude. Your reverie is broken by the noise of the doorbell. Puzzled, you answer the door. You find a crowd of belligerent strangers outside your door. To your utter surprise, they shove you out of their way and make their way inside your home! All of them are carrying bags or garbage. They make their way to the dining table and begin emptying their trash right on the dining table. You are aghast!
If this ever happens to you, will you not fight back with every ounce of strength you can muster? Yet this is really happening every day. Complete strangers are dumping garbage right into our living rooms and bedrooms. The garbage they are dumping is far more lethal than trash.
The garbage is pornography.
The medium is the internet.
The target is our impressionable minds.
Whether you like it or not, you are at war… and most of us and our families are losing this battle.
This article will help you secure your home to protect you and your family from this overwhelming onslaught of pornography. Pornography is a cunning enemy. The internet is the perfect Trojan horse for it. More kids are in danger from internet predators. Keeping children safe online is becoming increasingly difficult. Even adults are finding themselves engulfed and addicted to porn.
Developing a fool-proof protection system was proving an uphill task for me, even with a Master’s degree in engineering and over 15 years of experience in IT infrastructure. If you search the internet you will find several ways to block websites of adult content. You will find website blockers and content filters galore. Most of these methods have gaping holes in them because they do not follow a strong theory or philosophy.
I have learned the hard way that a single-layer of protection does not work in today’s complex technology scenario. The philosophy we will use is simple: identify possible chinks in your protective armor and implement three layers of protection at every point of entry. This will help you win this battle. I call this the 3-layer protection system against pornography.
Let us regroup our armies!
Understanding the Mystery Boxes: Modems and Routers
Project secure-house begins with two mystery boxes: the modem and the router. What are these?
Well, a modem looks like the picture above and is used to access the internet. A stand-alone modem has only 1 internet outlet port (pictures below)
A router is attached to the modem. A router is pictures below. It distributes the incoming internet connection to your home devices, either wired or wirelessly.
Still confused? Don’t worry; take some time examining these boxes. You’ll be fine as long as you can just distinguish the modem from the router.
Chinks in your armor
Our house is our family’s fortress. Let us identify the weak links in the security-chain and then bolster each weak link with a layer of security. On second thought, let’s make those three layers of security!
1. Wired devices: Devices connected by a wire to the internet. For example: a desktop computer. To read how to protect this weak link click here. [Page 2]
2. Wireless devices: Devices that access the internet through your wireless (WiFi)network. For example: a laptop. To read how to protect this weak link click here. [Page 3]
3. Mobile devices: Devices that access the internet through a mobile network and can get access to the internet virtually anywhere. For example: a cellphone. To read how to protect this weak link click here. [Page 4]
4. TV and connected devices: These days the TV has a plethora of devices connected to it. For example: a game console. To read how to protect this weak link click here. [Page 5]
Phew, thanks for walking the fort’s perimeter with me. We have identified the weak walls of our fort. Good job!
If you have taken care of all the four weak links above you have won the war!
Your perimeter is now secure. Like all wars, Project Secure-House was sometimes challenging but the taste of victory makes it all worthwhile.
The 3-layer philosophy may appear to be overkill. Believe me, it is not! No parental control is infallible and this is not either. What this does is this: It buys you precious time; time to do some effective parenting, have an open dialog and build accountability. Setting up the 3-layer protection system gains even more importance if you have an adult in your family who is struggling with pornography addiction or masturbation addiction. You can help them buy time with this system; time to let recovery kick-in and heal them. As a recovering porn addict, they will be eternally grateful to you and to this protection system.
Any war-hardened soldier will tell that that victory is not the end of war. There is a need to forever be vigilant and secure your boundaries. Stay forever alert and keep checking your weak links. Anytime you feel the chink in your armor widen, think of the helpless sea lion surrounded by the killer whales! Then, shake off that vivid image and redo the 3-layer system.
Comrades, we salute you for a job well done!
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